Mikhail Breslav

Hi everyone! I’m Mikhail and I’m an applied scientist who enjoys bringing novel and experimental ideas to life via software development. I am generally interested in machine learning and its application in domains like computer vision, language processing, and autonomous robots.

Currently, I’m a systems engineer at Cruise working on validating the safety of autonomous vehicles. Previously, I was an Applied Scientist at Microsoft working on a code recommendation tool.

Before entering industry, I earned my PhD from the Computer Science Department of Boston University, where I was a member of the Image and Video Computing group advised by Dr. Margrit Betke. During my PhD, I specialized in Computer Vision and Machine Learning with a particular focus on 2D & 3D pose estimation applied to flying animals.

I also earned my B.S. & M.S. degrees from the Department of Electrical Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University.

My past research can be viewed on Google Scholar.

When I’m not working I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking.


I can be reached at first dot last at gmail.